« One eye sees, the other feels », a quote which resonates from deep within Virginie B. Born in France with a drive and passion for adventure, she experienced living in Paris and London but ultimately deep rooted herself in Montreal. She became fascinated by its rich cultural diversity and omnipresent artistic expression. The city offered freedom and an appreciation for the arts in all its forms. A multi-talented artist and mama to her 9 year old girl, Virginie shares moments of discovery and creation with her. Raised in an artistic family where her home became a playground, her love for the arts was there from the start. The passion for painting and drawing blossomed naturally. She feels with her soul and is fascinated by the eyes and how they see. All that is colorful comes to life on the canvas. It transforms into a place where her perspective broadens and emotions are free. To create without boundaries and express from the heart is the essence of her artform.
SIZE: 30” X 40”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, Sand, Gloss on canvas.
YEAR: 2020
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 12” X 24”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, Gloss on canvas.
YEAR: 2020
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 24” X 36”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, Gloss on canvas.
YEAR: 2020
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 70” X 47”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, on canvas.
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 12” X 24”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, on canvas.
YEAR: 2020
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 20” X 16”
MEDIUM: Acrylic, on canvas.
YEAR: 2021
This is a unique work.
SIZE: 35” diam.
MEDIUM: Acrylic, on canvas.
YEAR: 2021
This is a unique work.